Technical Requirements for Online Counseling

Here is what you need to do an Online Counseling session on HereandNow Institute, the first online support and assistance platform in Spain

Don’t worry, what is required is quite simple 🙂


Mobile phone or landline so we can contact you

Internet connection

It must be stable, to allow video conferencing.

Device of your choice

Computer, tablet, mobile phone.

Zoom App

We recommend that you install the Zoom App on your mobile device or computer: We will use it to connect via videoconference.

Email account

To be able to send you info and written support

Your Online Counseling appointment in just 3 steps


1. Contact us

You can contact us through our website, by phone, email, or whatsapp

2. We arrange your appointment

We arrange a convenient date and time for your first online appointment

3. First online session!

We meet online on scheduled date/time and we start woking!

Contact us

Are you interested in any of our programs? Contact us -no obligation- and we will arrange an appointment. Or we can call you to give you more information

This post is also available in: Español