Miracle Choice Card Game

 Miracle Choice Card Game will help you choose the truth and leave your suffering behind

Miracle Choice is an experience that allows you to discover your inner choice at any time, something that is done through games, trainings and workshops.


Play Online!

Now you can also play Miracle Choice online, with digital cards.

At Miracle Choice we have two games: the Board Game and the Pocket Game:

  • The games can be used individually or in groups. If you work on an issue or desire that is active in your life, you will begin an inner journey to discover more about your present painful choices, and how you can choose a miracle instead.
  • Playing the Miracle Choice game is an experience of the power of internal choices.
  • Miracle Choice is a celebration of your true essence.
  • Miracle Choice is extremely flexible and can be played alone or in groups of different sizes. The game can be played in person or online.

Board Game
This is the original game released in 2014 and takes you on a journey to discover your internal choices. The purpose of the game is: “Choose love instead of fear, and experience joy instead of pain” Begin with a brief meditation to connect with your inner Guide or Teacher. Then choose the intention of play so that the ideas received are specific and relevant to your questions.

The board game is played with a certified Facilitator, such as Be Pryce, whose presence is a reminder to listen deeply to your own inner wisdom. The support of a facilitator keeps the space for an often surprising and life-changing transformation.

Pocket Edition
The pocket game is a compact version of the board game, and is often used as part of a training session, or as part of a psychotherapy session to brainstorm ideas. It is very useful in this context because unconscious or hidden problems can be discovered in a very short time.

¡Play Online!
Now you can also play Miracle Choice online, with digital cards.

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Miracle Choice

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